Shipping & Returns



Express post $12 or free delivery on orders over $100


In order to be eligible for a refund your item must be one of the following 

  • Arrived damaged 
  • Spelling or design is incorrect 
  • Items arrive up to 5 days later than your selected date

If any of the above apply to your order, please email your refund request to hello@sweetservings.com.au with photos and we will issue you either a partial refund for the damaged product or full refund at our mistake. 


Due to our products being edible with custom elements, we cannot accept returns. If you are unhappy with your items, please email us with your concerns and we will aim to resolve your issues. 


As all our orders are custom and specific to each customer, we begin our production process up to one week prior to your desired date. Cancellations are not accepted up to 48 hours as we will have already  began the process of your order.

You may cancel your order within 24 hours of making the order and receive a full refund. Please email us with any other concerns relating to the cancellation of your order. 

Please get in touch with us at hello@sweetservings.com.au if you require any further information.

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